"Morir no es nada. Lo terrible es no vivir."
Dying is nothing. The terrible thing is not to live.
- Victor Hugo -

"Eterno Honeymoon" Artwork by Ginette Rondeau
Viva El Amor Eterno
Long Live Eternal Life
I do not fear death
as I know those who have died before me
will welcome me with their loving embrace.
My senses will be awakened by the sweetness
of the Dia De Los Muertos yearly celebration.
I shall be remembered for eternity,
as my decedents will be preparing
and adorning their altars in my honor
and for other beloved.
There will be a sense of excitement
as they will be creating my favorite foods,
bringing me gifts that my soul has inspired
as they welcome me back.
At my altar,
there will be the lovely aroma of the copal,
and a glass of water that will quench my thirst
when I arrive from my long journey.
The salt and sweets will remind me of
the bitterness and sweetness of life.
I will see my family spending the day
lovingly cleaning my grave
and adorning it with zempasuchil (marigolds),
baby breath, candles and more.
There will be great day of
laughter, music, and poetry.
I yearn to hear their stories of my life
that they will tell their children
so they may know who I am.
Yes, it will be a joyous occasion
as I will be reunited with
my dear family and friends!
Thank you. Gracias.
I know I will not be forgotten.
As your memories of me will continue
from generation to generation.
© 2006, Ginette Rondeau